Saturday, July 4, 2009

Rain Barrels

One of Katherine's colleagues recently visited an Oxford County composter sale, where they had composters, rain barrels, and similar 'eco-friendly' schwag for sale at reduced or promotional prices. Katherine had asked her to see if they had any decently priced rainbarrels, thinking that we may put one to good use at the cottage. Evidently the price worked out to the cost of a bike tune up and a toddlers helmet (about $45) so we happily took possession of the rainbarrel. On my first trip to Frontnac Outfitters I swung by the cottage with a few things to drop off, rain barrel included.

This last week I took the time to install the rainbarrel under the downspout at the back corner of the house. It was a fairly simple job, the only complication being I had no proper tool for cutting the downspout, but found that the bucksaw and a pair of kitchen scissors did a half decent job! Peter and I roughly calculated that about a centemeter of rain on the side of the roof that the eavestrough collects from will fill the barrel, which we figure is over 150 litres capacity.

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